January 4, 2020Blog Talk About Your Good Birth Experiences! Those of us who have embraced birth in all its power and strength should start sharing about it! We need to share, […]
November 21, 2019Blog What are my options if my baby is breech? Breech delivery is a very controversial topic in the birth world here in the United States.. I recently read an article(*1) from […]
March 8, 2017July 19, 2018Blog I am not sure I can do a natural birth! So many women do not believe they can have a natural birth…. It really saddens me. I was one who thought the […]
April 19, 2016February 22, 2017Blog Exciting new things are happening here! Dear friends and supporters! I am so excited for the new stuff I have planned for my business! I have been […]
September 9, 2013December 17, 2013Blog TWINS!! Pushing the norm, with success! I am so blessed to be working with a great midwife who is serving a mom of twins. This birth will happen […]