Welcome to Mothers Embrace Birth Services! Sabrina Bias CPM, LM
Offering a full range of birth services in the Central Missouri
~Our passion to empower moms to find their inner strength so they can embrace the birth experience as an empowering, cherished and peaceful memory! Sabrina brings this to each family she serves! Every woman needs to know they have options about where and how they give birth.~
Our birth philosophy is that women were made to carry and birth babies and as long as we, as women, are willing to take responsibility for our own body, and with the right support team, we really can have a beautiful and empowering birth!
Sabrina’s mission is to reach as many women as she possibly can to empower them with this information and to instill the faith in themselves to achieve their own natural home birth!

~ Full spectrum midwifery care~
Sabrina Bias CPM provides all prenatal, birth and postpartum care in the childbearing year. Ladies, you have the freedom to birth your way, in your own home or in my private birth suite! Our team provides caring support while also respecting your wishes at all times! Always encouraging your family to be as involved as you would like!
We will take your placenta and turn it into a wonderful supplement for your health and well being! We highly encourage women to take advantage of this amazing organ to support you during the first few weeks of motherhood!
Women need empowering support no matter where they chose to birth. As your Montrice Sabrina and her team will educate, support, advocate and care for you before, during and after your planned hospital birth.